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Sunday, May 16, 2010


So, we're packing now. Everything we own, except our camping gear and a few items we will send to the curb will be neatly packed into a storage unit for the summer. I'd like to pretend that we will sell it all and live in the reality that we truly have only what we can fit into our car and in the car topper, but who am I kidding...there is too much sentiment surrounding some items and in reality our nomad adventures will end in the fall and we will need the furniture to fill a new home. But it is a wonderful opportunity to excuse ourselves of items we have loathed filling space in our lives. Like the never ending barrage of plastic, cheap toys that routinely overtake our living room. I like to keep things simple, in my dreams even minimalistic, but with my family heritage looming over me, this often feels like I'm swimming against the tide. The tide of stuff washing into and making its home in the drawers and shelves of my life.

And so, that puts us here. Sorting, packing, and deciding what will stay and what will go. The purging makes me a bit giddy, excited for change and ready to move onto something new. It will be hard to leave this place though. A home where my son moved into his first big boy bed, got his first stitches, learned to talk and how to ride a big boy bike. A home where my daughter was born, literally, in our bedroom, and where she has turned into a bit of a cruiser. While the space itself leaves much to be desired, the memories are lovely. Luckily, I get to take the lovely and leave the rest.

The first steps of the big step. A month of camping and visiting family. Another month of just camping. The countdown begins, 5 more weekends and off we go. An ending, a beginning, and a bit of adventure in between. Let's hope the sun keeps on shining.

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