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Friday, May 21, 2010

Plan for the worst or hope for the best?

As the planning and preparing commences I find myself wondering how does a mother of two put together a summer of outdoor fun and adventure while still preparing for the 'just in case' scenario. My son has a falling all over and getting hurt tendency that makes me a bit paranoid. We spent our last campout we had at the ER where he got his forehead glued back together after nailing it on a rusty iron fire grate. And now we have a wee one just learning to cruise and walk who puts everything in her mouth. SO, what's a mom to do? Part of me would like to just lock them in the car where everything is safe. But I know that would ruin the summer, to say the least. And there is a moment in every person's life when we can choose safety or risks. I think the best thing I'll pack is a pocketful of courage, hope, and faith.

Of course, that's not to say I'm not planning for the worst. We'll have rainy day games and gear, a PDA that can find us the closest hospital to any campground, and a medicine kit that will rival any out there on the market today.

So I guess is comes down to doing a little of both...planning for the worst, but hoping for the best. As Helen Keller so famously said, "Life is either a great adventure, or nothing." I want to raise children who see and live the great adventure of life, who don't just sit back and spectate. For that to happen, my job is to continue to expose them to exploration, let them go (age appropriately), and cheer them on when they show courage and initiative. This summer will test us on this while drawing new traits into each of us. I'm looking forward to the best, but also hoping to find growth during the worst of days.

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