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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Homemade Goodness

We’re an ice cream family. Growing up we’d eat it every night, and if my husband would have his way we still would! But with the little guy’s dairy allergy we don’t have it around much and have begun to experiment with non-dairy ice cream. When we were married, almost 8 years ago, we were given a homemade ice cream maker which has since sat in my old bedroom at my parent’s house until this past week. I’m sure the person who gifted it to us never thought it would come in handy for us to learn to make all types of flavor combinations of non-diary ice cream.

We started simple with vanilla soy ice cream. And it was good, until we made the chocolate coconut ice cream with Ghiradelli cocoa and rich coconut milk. I think I’ve found my new vice. It was creamy, and chocolaty, and mm’ mm’ good. So the ice cream maker has made it’s way into the car for the trip back to Seattle. I have a list of flavors I want to try to recreate without the dairy: salted caramel, mint chocolate chip, strawberry, chocolate fudge, and some sort of granola-ish chunky ice cream. I’m open for other flavor ideas if you have one, and we might even make it and bring it over to share with you!

1 comment:

  1. Would love to have that chocolate coconut recipe!
