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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where are we?

Some of you might be wondering where we now are and what we have been doing for the past week. Currently, I am standing in the kitchen of my husband's co-worker's home who has graciously let us stay here for a couple nights while her family went camping. It's close to Nate's work so he is getting home an hour or two earlier than when we were camping which has made our day as a mom and kids much shorter. It's nice. The home has a door, a faucet, a washer/dryer, and a bathroom...all in one place. The first time I turned on the faucet for a glass of water, yes a glass not a metal water bottle, I excitedly called my husband. It's not as though I don't know about faucets, or have been away from them for so long, but this felt like an immense blessing to suddenly find water so easily accessible and clean. This past spring we walked for a cause that I deeply believe in, clean water. We joined a non profit called Water 1st that digs wells in 3rd world countries and walked 5K carrying 5 gallons of water on our back. Nate and I switched off carrying the water, it was heavy and we both realized how much work and daily life is simply about surviving for many people around the globe. The past 2 weeks have simply taken that and solidified it in my mind. We only had about 50 yards to our water spigot, and I was blessed that my husband would fill our water container every morning so that we had water for a full day. Even so, it made an impression on us. We did not waste that water, that was one of our rules with the kids, no playing in the campsite water, it had to last all day for washing dishes, drinking, and cooking. Many times throughout the week my mind went out to the women and children who spend their time and energy transporting water every day so their families can survive. We take so much for granted.

The last week of camping brought a comfortable routine for me with the kids. We spent nearly every day at the campground play area. I love a good playground, it can occupy children of all ages, bring relief to a tired mom, and offer a place to talk to and meet other people. The playground is situated just 100 yards from the beachfront of Puget Sound, so we had our options of swinging or swimming. I have discovered many keys to camping with kids as we have extended this time in the woods that I can quickly share with you.

First, we soon realized within the first hours of staying at this particular campground that a campsite consisting mainly of dirt is more difficult than one of grass. A close, walkable place to change scenery and offer new activities for the kids is a wonderful amenity. It does not matter whether that is a playground, a beach, a great trail to take walks on, or even just a grassy field to play tag or frisbee together at, the day is much shorter when it can be broken up into new places and activities. For long term camping, more than a weekend, it is nice to have showers or a lake nearby to wash off the dirt. Kids get dirty. They play in it, sit in it, eat it, throw it and then they get it all over you. This is fine, and I think good for them, but for more than a week, or weekend for the type As out there, it can wear on a mom to have a film of grime covering her family. Along these lines, the great outdoors offers a unique opportunity for the city dwelling family and child to be free, so back off on the rules and enjoy freedom for yourself and child. Within the boundlessness of freedom safety rules still are necessary and best implemented at the beginning of the trip. A quick run through the campsite to be sure there isn't any broken glass or sharp objects left behind by the last campers is a good idea. We found that plastic or wooden toys are less likely to stay dirty than stuffed or cloth toys, this is common sense stuff, but the best toys are the pinecones, sticks, and trees that they can feel, pretend with, and climb. One other group of kids had brought a rope to make a rope swing with that was a big hit with our kids too.

We'll be back to the camping again next week, and spending time looking for apartments for the next year. Updates to come!

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